Island Scoop was dressed to impress yesterday, dashingly draped in red, white, blue and bunting for the
Diamond Jubilee celebration. Grace Bay Plaza was bursting at the seams yesterday with fun and festivity, live music, and kids everywhere! Party goers had their pick of beating the heat with a refreshing glass of Pimm's,
or Island Scoops locally made delicious ice cream!
The Queen herself looked to be having a jolly time until a little certain someone stole the show . . .

Willow! We found this adorable little potcake last week hanging around
TC Millwork's new location. She was covered in ticks and fleas but cute as a button and not even the slightest frightened of people. She wagged her way over to us to make friends and that's all it took for us to scoop her up and take her home for a bath, some kibble, and some foster care. She now joins the rest of the
potcake place family in hopes of being adopted by a loving family. This little local girl pictured above fell in love with Willow instantly; she took her in her arms and did not want to let go! It was hysterical to see her reluctance to transfer the furry bundle into any other arms! She did share however, with a little persuasion, and Willow got loads of love and attention from a dozen adoring fans. Willow has now passed the well behaved test with other dogs, cats, babies, small children, AND kids, LOTS of kids, at the same time!!! I thought all the fun and heat would have tuckered the wee one out but she was still full of energy when we arrived home for a dip in the pool.

Potcake Place is a miracle worker for these puppies. Jane and the volunteers work tirelessly to find worthy homes. Read more about their good deeds and the history of the charitable organization on
today.msnbc. If you would like to adopt a Willow or another potcake pup, please click
here. If you are like us and already have a complete pet family but would like to help in some way, please think about couriering a pup to the forever home, fostering, or
making a donation. Big thanks to all the kids who handled Willow with such gentleness and care, and of course Island Scoop and all the participating people for putting on such a fabulous party!