It's shameful how long I have been neglecting this blog but I can finally explain the reasons why . .
drumroll please . . . .

I finally have a HOME WEBSITE!!!!
It has always been a challenge to explain what I do professionally, now I don't need to bumble and stumble on words to try to summarize. At long last there is a comprehensive portfolio that demonstrates the various work that I do. Please stop by the brand spanking new website, Stacie and take a peek. With the new site comes the new blog and I would love YOUR advice! I have miraculously managed (please read below) to import all 365 posts here on Pepper & Pikey to the new blog so the question is, do I cease writing here and carry on solely over there? OR do I keep the Turks and Caicos content; the Field Guide Friday posts, the fundraisers, local events, travel entries, personal news, etc right here and post all TC Millwork projects and work related content on the new blog? Please post a comment below with your thoughts!
There are many other reasons for my long absence from blogging, a few major life events that I am still grappling with and a few more I am still expecting! Please read my first post on the new blog below:
Image via pinterest
weeks of procrastination, months of asking various individuals advice,
it's done and I can't believe how simple it was. My very own website
had been a back burner project for many years, it's near completion
almost a month ago only demanded resolution of the blog. I had been
blogging via blogger since March of 2010 and loved the user friendliness
and comfort of knowing the ropes. 365 posts on Pepper Key Stacie
had me torn. Do I start all over here? Do I try to transfer the old
blog to the new wordpress site? That sounded like a brilliant idea but
many tech savvy people said it would be a nightmare. So I dragged my
feet, and with selling Fleur de Lys Villa,
finding a house to rent, packing, moving, all while 8-9 months
pregnant, there was plenty to keep busy and distracted from blogging
with. With one week to due date and the last thing to tick off the
list, I finally tackled the challenge. Mind you as of this morning I
still had not a clue what to do or where to start but I thought it
fitting that today's public holiday here in the Turks and Caicos, the Queen's Official Birthday,
was as good a day as any to figure out this royal problem. By this
afternoon, just as I was about to give up, I found my miracle; "How I Moved My Blogger Blog to Wordpress"
and within an hour it was done. Like magic. Sure there is some
formatting and figuring out to do but all that content is now here! I
feel like The Magic Grinder has just granted my wish. Thank you Computer Guru!
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